it is a failure of tolerance (self-tolerance) and specificity (recognition)
Type 1 diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the selective destruction of β cells that are involved in the production of insulin in the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes can be classified into two types: Type 1A diabetes (the immune form of the disease) and Type 1B diabetes (the non-immune form of the disease). Type 1A diabetes is considered an autoimmune disorder where immune responses against pathogens suffer a failure of tolerance to antigens in the β-cells of the pancreatic islets. Thus, Type 1A diabetes is characterized by the process of recognition of β-cell antigens (autoantigens) by the immune system. This disease is often caused by genetic factors associated with mutations in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II region located on chromosome 6.
An ecologist studying plants in the desert performed the following experiment. She staked out two identical plots, which included a few sagebrush plants and numerous small, annual wildflowers. She found the same five wildflower species in roughly equal numbers on both plots. She then enclosed one of the plots with a fence to keep out kangaroo rats, the most common grain-eaters of the area. After two years, to her surprise, four of the wildflower species were no longer present in the fenced plot, but one species had increased dramatically. The control plot had not changed. Using the principles of ecology, propose a hypothesis to explain her results.
- This example highlights the impact of plant predation on species selection. In the fenced off plot animal predation is not a factor on plant selection.
- In this case plants will compete for resources only with each other and in this case one plant had a selective advantage over the other 3 species of plants. In the plot exposed to animal predation the ratio of the four species is equal.
- This is likely do to an increased preference of animals for the plant species that dominates in the fenced off plot and/or anti-animal predation tactics by the other three species.
a.Hypothesis: kangaroo rats are keystone species
-Reintroduce kangaroo rats (and the other locally extinct species)
-Should observe equilibrium re-established
b.Hypothesis: kangaroo rats exert top-down control on community
-Reintroduce kangaroo rats (and other locally extinct species)
-Increase kangaroo rat population in other plot
-Decrease (but don't eliminate) kangaroo rat population in other plot
c.Hypothesis: Locally extinct species inferiorly competed with the extant species of plant
-Remove surviving species from other plot (and remove kangaroo rat population)
Movement in narrow zones along plate boundaries causes most earthquakes. Most seismic activity occurs at three types of plate boundaries—divergent, convergent, and transform. As the plates move past each other, they sometimes get caught and pressure builds up.
This is an opinion questions, so there really isn't a right or wrong answer. You could just as easily choose Eel. Your task is to pick one and defend your reasoning.
I chose starfish because starfish have a long history of demonstrated adaptability to a wide variety of conditions. Their armored skin protects them from a variety of predators, as does the poison that many of them contain. They have the ability to regrow limbs, and even regrow entire starfish from certain body parts. When it comes time to breed, starfish meet together in groups. Each female releases a few million eggs from the gonads in each of her arms. Each male then releases billions of sperm from each gonad in each of his arms, thus covering the eggs with sperm to fertilize them.
because it comes from the everyday activities of many different people, such as fertilizing a lawn, using a pesticide, or constructing a road or building.