When you go into credit (the red) you basically loan money which means that you have to pay a "fine" called interest. so the more you loan and depending on the type of loan, the more interest you will pay.
a surplus of middle seats and the equilibrium quantity of aisle seats.
Aisle seats are already preferred by people. So, increasing rate of middle seats will make people more attracted towards aisle seats. So, a surplus of middle seats and the equilibrium quantity of aisle seats.
Assessable value after first homestead exemption $25000= $200000
Tax on second $25000=$267.5($112.5 school board tax+$95 county tax +$60 citty tax)
Tax on third $25000=$112.5(onl on school district tax)
Tax on balance = $10.7*150=$1605
Total tax =$1985
Money saved= $267.5+$155=$422.5