Because if the there is no power, then how would the government make laws? With no power then there would be no rules, from the government.
has to be approved of by the supreme Court
Increased literacy positive
Property take over negative
better healthcare positive
equal treatment of the poor positive
Control of the radio, tv, etc. negative
anti Castro people being killed negative
Communism negative
Food shortages negative
Rich Cubans leaving negative
US trade embargo negative
Nationalism negative
Good luck
Psychology basically can be defined as an ongoing attempt by humans to study how the mind works and behavior in general of living things.
<u>Research methods </u><u>are basically classified into:</u>
- qualitative research method
- quantitative method, and
- mixed research method.
In the <em>quantitative research method, </em>this usually involves the collection or examination of numerical data to form a research conclusion. For example, a topic such as <em>determining the effect of age on the performance of students in SAT exams </em>would require the collection of relevant exams results data as well as an examination of the ages of the sampled students.
<u>The three main parts of the brain consist of:</u>
- The Cerebrum
- Cerebellum
- Brainstem
This is just a summary of details needed to complete your assignment, you could find more information in a textbook or via an online search engine.
Imagine that you and your friends went out for the night. You and 2 other friends decide to go destroy property and trespass on fields. The other friend didn’t do it, but does have it on video and did watch it happen. Well if interdependent wasn’t a thing, then your friends couldn’t depend on that friend to keep it a secret. Get it?