Research has found protective proteins in camel's milk that may be antiviral, anti fungal and antibacterial. it isn't the best source there is though, it contains much more iron and vitamin c than cow's milk
Assuming you're referring to the American Revolution, the revolutionaries felt they were in danger because the British far outmatched them in terms of man power and skill. To remedy this the colonists turned to foreign aid, especially from the French.
c) validity
Validity: In psychology, the term validity refers to the tendency of a test to measure what the test is supposed or claims to measure. It is the judgement which is based on different types of evidence.
In other words, it is the extent to which a particular conclusion, concept, or measurement is well-defined and responds accurately or precisely in the real world.
The validity of an experiment can be increased by improving measurement techniques, controlling different variables, adding placebo or control groups, etc.
In the question above, Gunter's statement is equivalent to saying that the WAIS lacks the validity.
The Lend-Lease Act, approved by Congress in March 1941, had given President Roosevelt virtually unlimited authority to direct material aid such as ammunition, tanks, airplanes, trucks, and food to the war effort in Europe without violating the nation's official position of neutrality.
Sí es importante que las marcas sean protegidas, ya que una marca representa una forma de propiedad privada, es decir, una marca es algo que le pertenece a los dueños de la empresa, y como tal, dicha propiedad debe ser protegida.
Es por esto que existen protecciones legales de marca, y por lo cual los gobiernos luchan contra la piratería.
Además, si las marcas no se protegieran y se permitiera la falsificación de todos los productos, los emprendedores no tendrían incentivo para innovar y crear marcas nuevas, ya que los beneficios económicos que podrían obtener de dicha actividad se verían muy disminuidos.