It keeps saying servers fully loaded
Used the command syntax; awk -F":" '{ print "username: " $<number location> "\t\tuid:" $<number location> }' <target folder>
Linux operating system is a fast open-source computer platform for programmers and network administrators. Its system is arranged in a hierarchical tree structure with the root represented as "/" (for absolute path).
The passwd is a folder in the Linux OS that holds the login details of all users in the system network. The 'awk' is one of the commands used to get information from a file in a folder. It prints out the result by specifying the location of the values (like the username and user id) as a variable (with prefix '$') and then the target folder.
Following are the solution to the given choices:
double currentBalance[91];//defining a double array
In point a:
The name of the array is= currentBalance.
In point b:
91 double values could be saved in the array. It requires 8bytes to hold a double that if the array size is 91*8 = 728
In point c:
Each element's data type is double.
In point d:
The array index range of values is between 0 and 90 (every array index starts from 0 and ends in N-1, here N=91).
In point e:
To access first element use currentBalance[0], for middle currentBalance[91/2] , for last currentBalance[90]
Here is the Python program:
small_container = int(input("Enter the number of small containers you recycled?"))
large_container = int(input("Enter the number of large containers you recycled?"))
refund = (small_container * 0.10) + (large_container * 0.25)
print("The total refund for returning the containers is $" + "{0:.2f}".format(float(refund)))
The program first prompts the user to enter the number of small containers. The input value is stored in an integer type variable small_container. The input is basically an integer value.
The program then prompts the user to enter the number of large containers. The input value is stored in an integer type variable large_container. The input is basically an integer value.
refund = (small_container * 0.10) + (large_container * 0.25) This statement computers the refund that will be recieved for returning the small and larger containers. The small containers holding one litre or less have a $0.10 deposit so the number of small containers is multiplied by 0.10. The large containers holding more than one litre have a $0.25 deposit so the number of large containers is multiplied by 0.25. Now both of these calculated deposits of containers of each side are added to return the refund that will be received for returning these containers. This whole computation is stored in refund variable.
print("The total refund for returning the containers is $" + "{0:.2f}".format(float(refund))) This print statement displays the refund in the format given in the question. The output includes a $ sign and displays exactly two decimal places by using {0:.2f} where .2f means 2 decimal places after the decimal point. Then the output is represented in floating point number using. format(float) is used to specify the output type as float to display a floating point refund value up to 2 decimal places.