An Oasis because a gravel-covered plain would hurt there feet.A salted crusted flat is dangers if one little piece of water touches the salt could ruin the whole area.A rocky plateau they would have have to climb up and down the plateau and they could get hurt.A Oasis has pure water,and enough trees to keep most or all the air pure, and almost to no dangers animals
A local government is a form of public administration which, in a majority of contexts, exists as the lowest tier of administration within a given state. ... Local governments generally act within powers delegated to them by legislation or directives of the higher level of government.
The type of economy exist in : B. Mixed type of economy
In mixed type of economy, both government and private enterprises work together to maintain the economic activities. The government usually control the one that involved in people's daily important necessities, such as :transportation, water, utilities, Gases, etc while the private enterprises control the secondary and tertiary goods
hope this helps
Egypt is South of Mesopotamia
Indus Valley Is South of China
China is north of Egypt
Mesopotamia is Northwest of the Indus valley
Illegal immigrants to the United States are those citizens who enter the United States without a proper residence permit or remain there after their residence permit expires. Although regulations and laws in the United States are very strict, nowhere in the world are there such a large number of illegal immigrants. This is considered a very big problem (especially in Texas, Arizona, California and New Mexico, states bordering Mexico), because the enormous number of migrants, added to certain personal and economic characteristics of these, make the service system The public of the United States does not have the capacity to receive all these people and provide them with the necessary services, at the same time that these people arrive to enlarge the parallel economy, causing fiscal damage to the government.
For many, the United States is a desirable country to move to. Most immigrants to the United States come to the country in search of work, to avoid political oppression, to live with their families, to improve their living conditions and those of their children, or to enjoy the cultural and health systems . Many immigrants prefer the United States because American employers pay illegal immigrants much higher wages than they could earn in their home country. American employers are forced to hire illegal immigrants for three main reasons: global economic change, the need to respond to the shortage of low-wage workers, and insufficient penalties for employers who hire illegal immigrants.