Scientific notation simply means, the amount ends up with one number, that may or may not have decimals, in this case it does, and as a product with 10 at some base.
now, 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 could also be written as 5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
00, now, notice, the "dot" is all the way to the right, so.... to put it in scientific notation, we need to move that fellow right "in front" of the last digit on the left, so the dot will move from its current location, all the way from the right-side, to in front of the 5.
now, to do so, we have to move it 24 slots, you can count them if you wish, 21 zeros and then the digits of 972 slots, so 24 slots, that means the factof of 10, will have an exponent of, yeap, you guessed it, 24, so it'll look like 10²⁴, thus