Each pixel in an image is made up of binary numbers. If we say that 1 is black (or on) and 0 is white (or off), then a simple black and white picture can be created using binary. To create the picture, a grid can be set out and the squares coloured (1 – black and 0 – white).
We can enable or disable assertions in java, by default this assertions are disabled at runtime, but we can use two commands, for example, if we want to enable assertions at various granularities, we can use the -enableassertions, or -ea, switch, if we want to disable at various granularities, is -disableassertions, or -da.
This now allows human pilots to race together with AI drivers. The AI driver is, in this case, the intelligent software that gathers all data from the sensors and other touchpoints to drive the car.
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