Metal is a good conductor of heat but air is a poor conductor of heat.
Touching the metal sides of the oven can be harmful while holding our hand briefly in the oven air is okay. This tells us about the relative conductivities of metal and air <em>that metal is a good conductor of heat but air is a poor conductor of heat</em>. Conduction is the transference of heat through physical contact. Not all materials conduct heat in the same way. The best conductors of heat are metals and stone.
for a geographer and a scale is the heart of the map". justify the statement.
Very full and detailed diary of political and war time events; Hitler and his fellow Nazis; persecution of the Jews; invasion of Poland; propaganda; personal .Explanation:
Capitalism fueled global tradie relations
Nomads were the peoples who use to move from place to place by following animal voyages and vegetable cycles to find food. Nomadic culture and society apparently important because they manifest non-progressive development. Basically, Nomads are divided into three categories a. nomadic hunter-gatherers b. pastoral nomads c. Trader nomads.
The technology of Nomadic pastoralism is mainly animal husbandry, horticultural by the use of agrarian technology. Normally, this practice includes a good deal of knowledge about animal husbandry and land transportation technology. Whereas Trader nomads involved in small trading activities from one place to other which includes the trade of crops and goods. As these nomads use to wander from one place to another they use to exchange the cultural pattern such as technology, goods, crops with the inhabitants of that areas. Such exchange also results in a transmission of disease from one zone to other with these nomads.