There is no cure for ADHD. But there are several option to help with ADHD.
Radiometric dating methods
Absolute dating is the process of determining an age on a chronological or specified time scale in which events occurred in archaeology and geology. Absolute dating can be determined by using properties of the atoms that make up materials.
The most common method of absolute dating uses by geologists is radiometric dating methods which is based on the natural radioactive decay of certain elements such as potassium and carbon found in the rocks. By comparing the ratio of parent isotope with a known half-life to daughter product in the rock, the age of the rock can be determined.
The carbon-14 isotope is used in radiocarbon dating, but is only useful for measuring recently formed rocks in the geologic past. The decay of Potassium-40 isotope known as potassium-argon (K-Ar) method allows dating of materials that up to 1,000 billion years old.
VIRULENCE is the ability of a pathogenic organism to infects the host, leading to damages or death of the host. The extent of these virulent effect depends on certain chemical substances ( called Virulence factors) produced during the pathogenic processes.
The virulence effects is achieved due to the ability of the virulent factor to disrupt the entire physiological mechanisms of the organisms; e,g crop plants; though suppression of the host immune response, disruptions of the immune mechanisms, colonization of the host DNA structure etc. Therefore the pathogenic effects suppressed the host resistance and spread throughout the host body system.
In this present scenario, the pathogenic effect of the likable bacteria; is not virulent, because
none of the d crop pant is completely diseased.
the nascent intenodes and leaves are growing to usual size.
Consequently, the physiological and the morphological features of the crop plants are still intact. Thus the infection is AVIRULENT.