A topographic map is a detailed and accurate representation.
A topographic map represent all made made and natural features on the earth's surface. This can be used for different purposes or activities like- hunting, fishing, hiking, surveying an area, urban planning and so on. A topographic map has a distinct feature that is three-dimensional shape is modeled by the contour lines. Topographic maps are produced by NTS- Canadian National Topographic System. Topographic maps can describe the vertical information through the use of contour lines.
It engages in a reforestation project
Evolution changes the abilities of the Frigate birds.
The Frigate birds have webbed feet because they live in the ocean and unable to fly due to its big weight. Before the evolution, the Frigate birds lives in the ocean due to their large body weight but with the passage of time, evolution occurs that leads to formation of flying ability in the bird so now the bird have the old characteristics of their ancestor as well as new abilities in the physical traits of the Frigate birds due to the evolution.
Im not exactly for sure on this one, but if i were you, i would choose either A or D . Homeostasis is like the normal for something when they it isnt sick. Its when they are doing good with not really any concerns!
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Physiology is the study of the functions and mechanisms in which your body works. It is how your body keeps you alive and how each part functions differently. It is how your organs, organ systems and cells keep you alive. They all perform different functions, but they all work together. It is almost like a car. Each part is different. The brakes stop the car, the gas makes the car go, this does this and that does that. However, even though they are all different, they all have one job; to make the car go from one location to the other. Physiology is the study of how each organ or cell does it's job. They explore deeper and reveal it's actual function.
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