A skier skis along a circular ski trail that has a radius of 1.25 km. The skiier starts at the East side of the ski trail and tr
avels in the CCW direction. Let θ θ represent the radian measure of the angle the skier has swept out. Suppose cos ( θ ) = 0.9 cos(θ)=0.9 and sin ( θ ) = 0.43 sin(θ)=0.43. What does the 0.9 in cos ( θ ) = 0.9 cos(θ)=0.9 represent in this context? Select all that apply. A. The skiier is 0.48 radius lengths to the North of the center of the ski trail.
B. The skiier is 0.88 radius lengths to the East of the center of the ski trail.
C.The skier is 0.48 km to the North of the center ofthe ski trail.
D. The skiier is 0.88 km to the East of the center of the ski trail.