El fitoplancton se basa en la cadena alimentaria marina. Sin embargo, el fitoplancton significa mucho más porque forman la base y la base de la cadena alimentaria marina. Se les conoce como fitoplancton porque dependen de la luz para el crecimiento y el sustento de la vida fuera del hábitat marino. Se sabe que son responsables del 50% de la fotosíntesis de la Tierra, por lo tanto, son cruciales para la supervivencia humana. Las algas son un grupo importante de fitoplancton. Otros ejemplos incluyen cianobacterias y diatomeas.
Not necessary.
No need for the revision of big band theory because this galaxy may be a product of big band event. At the start this galaxy is shorter and hot but with the passage of millions of years, this galaxy also expands and formation of stars and planets occurs. The stars and planets that are present in the galaxy occurs due to different events that is responsible for their current conditions. This formation of stars and planets needs millions of years.
Normally if the trash is not thrown directly in the sea it arrives pushed by the rivers.
D - Birthrate exceeds death rate
A - Death rate exceeds birthrate
This one means that the population will fall, due to too many people dieing.
B - Emigration rate exceeds birthrate
More people are leaving than being popped out, so decrease.
C - Death rate exceeds immigration rate
This one is so-so. It is possible that the population will grow, but this is not the best answer.
Dang that’s hard I will have to come back to you on thid