There would be two houses in Congress, and representatives would be assigned based on state population.
Landform-scale, volcanic geomorphologic features include lava flows and related features (diverse types of scarps, levees, and lava flow surface features); lahars, calderas, the diverse types of cones and related rims, necks, domes, tubes, trenches, fissures and scarps.
It is B i just did that test and i alredyknow
(1) The integral is straightforward; <em>x</em> ranges between two constants, and <em>y</em> ranges between two functions of <em>x</em> that don't intersect.
(2) First find where the two curves intersect:
<em>y</em> ² - 4 = -3<em>y</em>
<em>y</em> ² + 3<em>y</em> - 4 = 0
(<em>y</em> + 4) (<em>y</em> - 1) = 0
<em>y</em> = -4, <em>y</em> = 1 → <em>x</em> = 12, <em>x</em> = -3
That is, they intersect at the points (-3, 1) and (12, -4). Since <em>x</em> ranges between two explicit functions of <em>y</em>, you can capture the area with one integral if you integrate with respect to <em>x</em> first:
(3) No special tricks here, <em>x</em> is again bounded between two constants and <em>y</em> between two explicit functions of <em>x</em>.
Is this a multiple choice question..?
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