The answer is False.
Gerard Manley Hopkins was a Victorian poet, but he wrote mostly about nature and God.
Really bruh
Once upon a clock(time) there was a child 11 years old named Sam, he went everyday to cycle in the park. There is a big hole once he was cycling in the park and falls into the he shouted help me "HELP ME HELP ME!!!!!", no one hears suddenly a boy came and saw him in the big hole his name was Aditya he brought a long rope and tied on the tree and then he slowly and carefully jumped inside the big hole then after sometime they both came out of the big hole and after that they became friends and cycle together.
The End (this ain't Cinderella )
1. Apollo promises he will give his son any gift but that of allowing him to drive the chariot.
2. Apollo tells his son that not even other gods can drive his chariot.
3. Apollo explains what will happen if his son drives his chariot.
4. Apollo reluctantly gives in to his son's request to drive the chariot.
When Phaethon went to his father the sun god- Apollo, to confirm his legitimacy, his father assured him that he was indeed his son. Awed by his father's magnificence and the sun-chariot, Phaethon made a request to drive the chariot when told by his father to make any request. Phaethon insisted on driving the chariot and since his father already gave his word, he could not go back on it.
Apollo initially resisted the idea and told his son to make another request. He explained that not even other gods like zeus could drive his chariot. He explained how the chariot worked and the dangers involved in it. When his son refused still insisted, he eventually had to keep his word by letting his son drive the chariot.