Divide 48 by 3, for every three 8th graders, there is one 7th grader in choir
There's 16 7th graders in choir !!
The histogram is especially useful in comparing mean and median values of a variable. We have that 5.5+6+7+10+7.5+8+9.5+9+8.5+8+7+7.5+6+6.5+5.5=111.5 Since there are 15 values, their mean is 111.5/15=7.43 which is very close to the mean. We also have that 7 onservations are lower than 7.4 while 8 are bigger than 7.4; hence, the diagram is rather balanced and not left-skewed. We cannot tell immediately which one is larger since the values are too close. Any such random process can usually be approximated to a greater or smaller degree by a normal curve; the more points, the better. The histogram shows this (it is kind of a discrete normal curve); all points except 4 will be in this interval of bars.
Step-by-step explanation:
[1/2]^-2= 4
So sum is 4+9+16=29
Hope this helps you.

Step-by-step explanation:
<u>First, Let's solve for x in -2x+2y=-4:</u>

<u>Subtract 2y from both sides:</u>

<u>Divide both sides by -2:</u>

<u>Now, we'll substitute x=y+2 to 3x+3y=-18:</u>

→ let x=2+y


<u>Now, let's solve for y in 6+6y=-18</u>

<u>Subtract 6 from both sides:</u>

<u>Divide both sides by 6:</u>

<u>Now, substitute y=-4 into x=2+y:</u>

→ let y = -4

Therefore, x=-2 and y=-4.