a Development Financial institution (DFi) is defined as “an institution endorsed or supported by Government of india primarily to provide devel- opment/Project finance to one or more sectors or sub-sectors of the econ- omy. ... these DFis are also known as Development banks.
Straight rebuy
When a purchasing agent performs a straight rebuy, he/she is in a situation where the same products or services are bought over and over again on a relatively steady basis.
The products and services purchased are also simple and common products or services, nothing very complex or specialized that requires looking for new information or investigating who the best vendor might be.
(D) Cash proceeds from borrowing
Basically there are three types of activities:
1. Operating activities: It includes those transactions which affect the working capital, and it records transactions of cash receipts and cash payments.
2. Investing activities: It records those activities which include purchase and sale of the fixed assets. It also includes collections on loans and Cash advance to borrowers
3. Financing activities: It records those activities which affect the long term liability and shareholder equity balance.
Options A, B, and C are the investing activities whereas option D is financing activities.
C. The standard of one vote for each share cannot be altered.
Shares are sold to individuals that now obtain ownership rights of a company.
Common share holders are entitled to voting in of new board members and also have the ability to vote for changes in bylaws of the company.
Also common shareholders are shares have different classes with different voting rights.
However it is not true that the standard of one vote for each share cannot be altered.
When more shares are issued by a company it can result in dilution of shares. That means for example if a person has 10,000 shares in a company with 1 million shares, and the company now issues an extra 1 million shares making 2 million in total now.
The shareholder's standard of vote for each share is now halved