Step-by-step explanation:
Cuando dos numeros tienen el mismo signo la respuesta siempre es positiva. cuando un signo es positivo y e lotro es negativo la respuesta siempre sera negativa. Esta es la regla para multiplicar numeros con signos diferentes. el orden de los signos no importa en multiplicacon siempre va ha ser la misma respuesta.
(-2+-5) equals -7.
Because the signs are the same, we dont change it.
(3+5) equals 8. Same like the other equation, the signs are the same so we do not change it.
Now we do (-7+8) The answer will be 1. Lets use a little graph since its hard to explain.
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mark -7 anyway you want. (Circle it, draw a line under it, what ever you want.)
Now Move the line 8 times.
When you do that your line will stop at 1.
And thats how you do it.
Step-by-step explanation:
A function is always a relation but a relation is not always a fucntion.
For example
we can make a realtion of student roll number and their marks obtained in mathematics.
So we can have pairs like (a,b), (c,d)..etc.
Its a realtion but it may not be function. Because function follows that for same input there should not be diffrent output, aslo there could be many inputs to one output in the case of constant function . But this doesn't holds a necessary condition in case of relation.
Because two diffrent students with two diffrent Roll number may have same marks.
Hence the foolowing options holds True in case of a function.
A) many inputs to many outputs or one input to one output.
D) one input to one output or many inputs to one output.