D- a bond in which electrons are transferred
Mutations can be categorized based on the kind of effect they have on an organism. Blue eyes in humans are a result of a mutation in the OCA2 gene, which controls the production of pigment melanin in the iris.
This mutation is an example of a neutral mutation. Such mutations have no effect on an organism’s survival.
The correct answer is: A. Water particles barely move forward; they move in a circular pattern.
Wave motion is a disturbance that moves and carries energy. When move through the water medium, waves do not transport water they just move energy (the water stays more or less in the same place). As a wave crest (high point of wave) passes, the water particles move in circular paths. The circles are smaller in deeper water.
Subunits of ribosomes are assembled in the nucleolus and pass through the nuclear membrane via the nuclear pores. Your intestine is lined with individual cells.