Answer: Ghareeb Nawaz, or reverently as a Shaykh Muʿīn al-Dīn or Muʿīn al-Dīn or Khwājā Muʿīn al-Dīn (Urdu: معین الدین چشتی) by Muslims of the Indian subcontinent, was a Persian Muslim[3] preacher,[6] ascetic, religious scholar, philosopher, and mystic from Sistan,[6] who eventually ended up settling in the Indian subcontinent in the early 13th-century, where he promulgated the famous Chishtiyya order of Sunni mysticism.[6][7] This particular tariqa (order) became the dominant Muslim spiritual group in medieval India and many of the most beloved and venerated Indian Sunni saints[4][8][9] were Chishti in their affiliation, including Nizamuddin Awliya (d. 1325) and Amir Khusrow (d. 1325).[6] As such, Muʿīn al-Dīn Chishtī's legacy rests primarily on his having been "one of the most outstanding figures in the annals of Islamic mysticism."[2] Additionally Muʿīn al-Dīn Chishtī is also notable, according to John Esposito, for having been one of the first major Islamic mystics to formally allow his followers to incorporate the "use of music" in their devotions, liturgies, and hymns to God, which he did in order to make the foreign Arab faith more relatable to the indigenous peoples who had recently entered the religion or whom he sought to convert.[10] Others contest that the Chisti order ever permitted musical instruments and a famous Chisti, Nizamuddin Auliya, is quoted as stating that musical instruments are prohibited.
Any Trans Person of Color
Personally, Im thinking of Laverne Cox who happens to be a transgender female which already has its own realm of discrimination but on top of that is a POC. Thoes two things are apart of her social identity BUT overlap in discrimiantion.
Cognitive dissonance
The term Cognitive Dissonance was first introduced by Leon Festinger and it refers to what happens when a person has two or more contradictory beliefs or ideas and experiences psychological stress because of that. In other words, when two ideas are opposite to each other, the person will experience stress and will try to reduce this difference to reduce their discomfort. This usually happens when <u>new evidence contradicts the person previous belief and it creates stress</u> (cognitive dissonance).
Therefore, the state of conflict that someone experiences after taking an action, making a decision, or being exposed to information that is contrary to his or her beliefs is known as cognitive dissonance.
search up each vocab word and than they will give you a definition.