I'm pretty sure it's deposition because the sediments in the water(soil) are building up on the rock.
Igneous rock can form underground, where the magma cools slowly. Or, igneous rock can form above ground, where the magma cools quickly. When it pours out on Earth's surface, magma is called lava. In this way, igneous rock can become sedimentary rock.
Any rock (igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic) can become a metamorphic rock. If rocks are buried deep in the Earth at high temperatures and pressures, they form new minerals and textures all without melting. If melting occurs, magma is formed, starting the rock cycle all over again.
Yes, it is good to teach the younger generation to love and appreciate nature because the nature provides everything which needed for our survival in exchange of nothing. Earth sacrifice itself for the survival of humanity which is a good example to teach our younger generation so that they also take care the nature and components of earth to prevent it from harm and degradation. Nature provides everything that maintains our survival in this world so this is our duty to take care of the nature by reducing activities that adversely affected the nature.
Paramecia reproduce asexually, by binary fission. Hope I helped