Chlamydia trachomatis is that the most typical bacterial sexually transmitted infection worldwide, and girls carry the foremost burden of the disease.
<h2>Further Explanation
C. trachomatis is that the first chlamydial agent found within the bod. This bacterium was first identified in 1907.
Chlamydia trachomatis infection often causes no symptoms and is extremely risky if it occurs in mothers because it can cause metacyesis, infertility, and abortion. WHO estimates that 4 million new cases in mothers infected by C. trachomatis and 50,000 of them experience intertility, metacyesis, and abortion. The mechanism of occurrence of C. trachomatis infection has been studied by many researchers, where MOMP (Major Outr Membrane Protein) is a crucial target for preventing host immune responses, like neuralizing factors and T cells. supported the presence of nucleotide variations from MOMP within the Omp-1 gene and Inhibition of the immunologic response can cause hosts to be exposed to C. trachomatis. Each of the nucleotide variations shows a discount in specific favorite immunity in selecting the immune from the host.
These women are a possible source of infection to their partners. It causes urethritis in men and mucopurulent cervicitis, urethritis, and endometritis in women. Mucopurulent cervicitis can result in a minimum of three forms of complications ascending the intraluminal spread of organisms from the cervix producing pelvic disease (PID).
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Chlamydia trachomatis
Grade: College
Subject: Social Studies
keywords: immunologic, cervictis, urethritis, endometritis.
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There is nothing like punitive alimony, the purpose of alimony is not punitive, rather, it is to support the spouse after separation. Four major types of alimony are; periodic alimony, lump sum alimony, rehabilitative alimony, and reimbursement alimony.
Lump Sum Alimony is awarded as a fixed sum that can be paid all at once or in installments and temporary alimony is an order for support that comes during a divorce, legal separation or even an annulment case after one party has filed such a request with the court.
Historians have identified several causes for the emergence of the Renaissance following the Middle Ages, such as: increased interaction between different cultures, the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts, the emergence of humanism, different artistic and technological innovations, and the impacts of conflict