Eukaryotes have solved the end-replication problem by locating highly repeated DNA sequence at the end, or telomeres, of each linear chromosome.
Telomeres are stretches of DNA at the ends of the chromosome, They protect the genetic data and make it possible for cells to divide.
I think the cytoskeletal protein that helps a cell maintain its shape is actin.
<span>Certainly. Every organism has a variety of different characteristics. One person writing a key might choose to use different characteristics than another person would use.
For example: Here's a key for separating fish, snake, frog and mouse
A. Has scales on its skin ... 2
B. Has no scales on its skin ... 3
A. Breathes with gills - fish
B. Breathes with lungs - snake
A. Has hair or fur - mouse
B. Has no hair or fur - frog
Here's a different key for the same four animals:
A. Has four legs ... 2
B. Does not have 4 legs ... 3
A. is warm-blooded - mouse
B. is cold-blooded - frog
A. has fins - fish
B. has no fins - snake</span>
DNA polymerases
The formation of a phosphodiester bond between adjacent nucleotides is catalyzed by the DNA polymerases. They do this efficiently only if the incoming base on the incoming nucleoside triphosphate is complementary to the base on the template strand and can bind efficiently.