When someone moves to a place of higher education, financial issues are usually a big factor. Can they afford it? Is there ways help lower costs? Are they eligible for scholarships? Would they make enough to pay any student loans they may take? People also need to worry about if they have enough for a place to stay while in school, they also need to look at transportation. All of these factors are things that involve finance
The main reason why carbon atoms are so common in living things is because carbon is a very adaptable element in the sense that its electron configuration allows it to bond with many other atoms.
fHay dos tipos de plastos claramented diferenciados, según la estructura de sus membranas: los plastos primarios, que se encuentran en la mayoría de las plantas y algas; y plastos secundarios, más complejos, que se encuentran en el plancton
You could say DNA is found in both viruses and in living single-celled organisms because DNA is necessary to replicate itself.
c. Unusually high migration variance Individuals that are very successful at migrating to new populations, but cannot mate in the new locations.
Gene flow refers to the movement of alleles between the local populations when individuals form a population migrate into the other population. Gene flow can occur only if the migrated individuals mate successfully with the individuals of the other population. This would add new alleles from immigrant individuals to the gene pool of the population leading to evolution.
If the immigration is not followed by the mating of the immigrants with individuals of the local population, there would not be any addition of new alleles to the gene pool and the population would not exhibit evolution by gene flow.