b. a provision relating to the resolution of any dispute.
As the company provides a streaming service that has complex pricing schedules and when the customers make purchases a contract in which both parts have obligations appears, it is important that the terms are clear and one important point is to include a provision relating to the resolution of any dispute that establishes the ways in which a problem that may arise between both parts can be fixed following a procedure that is detailed there to avoid serious issues that can result in spending a lot of money in legal fees.
When a consumer products company produces inexpensive goods in underdeveloped markets, then repackages them as cost-effective innovations for Western buyers. This is not an example of glocalization because glocalization is the term which is the combination of two terms; localization and globalization. In glocalization, global products are offered to the customers with the local modifications. For example, Pizza Hut has launched Tikka Pizza, Behari Pizza and Achari Pizza in India and Pakistan, which is the perfect example of glocalization. Putting it simply we can say that "thinking globally and acting locally."
yes your right it takes your points but it only gives us 5 to 100 and you but 5 so you only lost five and i got five but if you give brainest i will get 11 more so you should mark brainlest for ex
The correct answer is add $72 to the book's balance.
Bank reconciliation is a way of identifying discrepancies between the cash book balance (company's books) and the bank balance (balance per bank statement). The discrepancies can be as a result of erroneous posting, deposit in transit, outstanding checks, etc.
In the instance of the question, there was an erroneous posting in the cash book of $72 ($480 - $408). Instead of crediting cash book by $408, it was rather credited by $480 - meaning that the credit was overstated by $72. <em>To correct this erroneous posting, we have to add back $72 to the cash book balance.</em>
I think b is that the answer