Both involve gaining a positive effect from a source which becomes harmed.
Example: a predator eats it's prey for food
A parasite like a tape worm feeds off the nutrients in your body and makes the person sick
1. Character
2. Trait
3. Monohybrid cross
4. Alleles
5. Dominant allele
6. Recessive allele
7. Phenotype
8. Genotype
1. Character is an inherited feature passed through genes that varies in individual e.g flower colour
2. A trait is the variant form of a character e.g red and blue flower colour are variant forms of the flower colour character.
3. Monohybrid cross is a cross between two parents differing in only one character.
4. Allele is an alternate form of a gene e.g A and a alleles for gene A
5. Dominant allele is one of the allelic pair that expresses itself by masking the expression of the other allele in a heterozygous state.
6. A recessive allele is the allele that is masked or not expressed in a gene. It is covered up by the presence of the dominant allele.
7. Phenotype is the physical and visible trait of an organism e.g Tallness, colour
8. Genotype is the genetic constituent of an organism e.g AA, Aa etc.
A: Force is mass times acceleration, or F= m x a. This means an object with a larger mass needs a stronger force to be moved along at the same acceleration as an object with a small mass. This is Newton's Second Law of Motion
Wetlands provide a habitat for thousands of species and terrestrial plants and animals. They're also valuable for flood protection, improving water quality, and providing natural products.