We can define a word as a group of characters without a space between them. To find the words of the input string , w can use split(delimiter) which returns a list of strings which had the defined delimiter between them in the input string.
def countWords(string):
words = string.split(" ")
count = len(words)
return count
Here we set the delimiter as the space character, and returned the length of the words list. I split each step into its own line for readability, however the function could be one line:
return len(string.split())
Here, no delimiter is specified. If one isn't given, it will default to split at any whitespace, including space.
#include using namespace std;int main(){int year = 12,value = 10,total = 0;do{year++;value *= 2;total += value;}while(value*2 < 1000);cout << "Age: " << year << endl;cout << "Last gift: " << value << endl;cout << "Total: " << total << endl;cin.get();return 0;
Attached are screenshots of the working code - baring in mind this only works on mutable Collection types. (ones that can be changed) if you use Collections that don't support this you may experience an Unsupported Operation Exception - but this is expected.
Using Java streams as an alternative for some answers.
Mac was made in 2000!!!!!!!!