He can use following computer program to make the class room more interesting and effective:-
- 1. <u>Reference software</u> : This software help students to access the atlases and dictionaries.Teacher can include this software in research projects .
- 2. <u>Educational Games</u>: This types of software is very effective for younger children because it motivates them to learn.This software companies have combined gaming and education into one .
- 3. <u>Graphical software</u> : Student can use this software to create and changes images available on the internet itselfs .
The <span>element located on the top left of the Word screen is the Quick Access Toolbar. </span>On the quick access toolbar, you can find some of the common functions that you will need to use on a regular basis, it contains commands that are used most often, for example Redo, Undo and Save etc.
xcopy (which stands for extended copy) command, was created to have several functions and ability to copy one or more folders, files or an entire directory from one location to another. It is more powerful than copy command that was seen in the first set of operating systems. It is currently being built into desktop operating systems and Microsoft windows server.
A web application is a computer program that utilizes web browsers and web technology to perform tasks over the Internet.
Web applications include online forms, shopping carts, word processors, spreadsheets, video and photo editing, file conversion e.t.c.
D I,II and III is the answer i think