Sediment discharge was historically approximately 270 million cubic meters/year of suspended load and 130 million cubic meters/year of bedload. This has decreased 80% since 1850 and can be divided into three periods: historical period (pre 1900), pre-dam period (1932-1952), and post dam (1963-1982). Suspended sediment loads declined 43% between the historical and pre-dam and 51% from pre-dam to post-dam periods. The size of sediment also decreased drastically including a 72% decrease in the sand fraction. Most of this is due to dams on the tributaries acting as sediment traps primarily for the coarser sediments. Large-scale land clearing for agriculture contributed to increased sediment loads in the historic period.
Answer:tropical rainforest
Explanation: Is wet and got
During cellular respiration, OXYGEN serves as an electron acceptor and Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is produced. during photosynthesis, WATER serves as an electron donor and oxygen molecules, hydrogen ions and electrons are produced.
Answer is C
The most similar is hippo and gray whale because they only differ 5 amino acid. The most different is gray whale and elephant because it is 30 amino acid different.