We can setup a standalone network for a computer Laboratory. The requirements are computers, network cables, switch, softwares and IP addresses. Computer engineers can configure these computers with defined users access and restrictions. We can run only the required applications intended for this purpose. We can also define rules and policy in the computer Lab where we can restrict unnecessary sites.
pollination Bees help alot in pollination
To restore liver glycogen and prevent secondary hypoglycemia
Type 1 diabetes is a condition that occur when the immune system destroys the cells that make insulin in the pancreas. This means that the pancreas produces little or no insulin at all.
Type 1 diabetes is common in young people and children.
Hypoglycemia is a situation of abnormal low level of sugar, glucose , in the blood. this is usually a complication of diabetes , where the body does not produce the amount of required insulin to fully metabolize glucose. Some of the symptoms are feeling hungry, sweating, dizziness, tiredness (fatigue)
, blurred vision, trembling among others.
In this case, the husband will give her complex carbohydrate to restore glycogen and prevent hypoglycemia.
Carbon Monoxide.
- It is dangerous because carbon monoxide has a higher affinity for hemoglobin than oxygen does. Your body cannot use carbon monoxide to make ATP, so if there is carbon monoxide attached to hemoglobin instead or oxygen you cannot oxygenate your cells. Thus they will die.