where are the choices i think you forgot to put them
1-Skiing is a popular sport despite its disadvantages.
Its C
Answered it on Quiz Good Luck on rest of quiz.
B. The radio broadcast has a more surprised tone.
<em>The War of the Worlds</em> is a book by H. G. Wells, which was also adapted as a radio broadcast by Orson Welles. In its book form, the story is told after the events (a Martian invasion) have taken place. They are also told in a more matter-of-fact tone. On the other hand, in the radio broadcast, the events are told in a way that makes it seem as if they were happening in the moment. The speaker sounds more scared, and the overall tone is more surprised.
Writing a persuasive speech can be easier than you think as long as you have a solid knowledge of the subject about which you would like to speak. If you had an outline of steps for writing a persuasive speech then getting it out would be that much easier.First and foremost you need to get a hot topic that would normally spark controversy.