Ur correct imo good job
rain gauges would collect rain water for drinking and other purposes
building dams would collect water
and E is pretty obvious
Thrust and Lift.
There are 4 forces acting upon a plane while it is moving. Drag (The air friction while it's in the air), Lift (Generated by the wings (The upward force), Weight (How heavy the plane is), and finally, Thrust (Generated by the engines which moves the plane/wings through the air generating lift). If there is enough air going over the wing at a high enough speed, and Thrust, and Lift overcome the other two forces keeping the plane on the ground, it can fly. The air pressure under the wing is higher than over the wing - If you have ever ran you hand under the water keeping it flat, you may notice it going up, those are basically the same forces, but under water.
How does the pressure under the wing affect the lift?
The difference of air pressure over the wing (which is less), which also means less force bringing the plane down. The air pressure under the wing is higher, putting pressure on the wing moving it up. A wing is designed to make the air travel a longer distance over the wing than under the wing creating the air pressure. The engines just enforce that process.
Bacteria reproduce by binary fission, resulting in two daughter cells identical to the parent cell. Bacteria can exchange DNA through the processes of conjugation, transformation, or transduction.
Prophase is the first phase is when the two sister chromatids pair up and the nucleoli disappears. Prometaphase is the second phase where the microtubules begin to separate from each other, each pair of microtubules attach to the kinetochores and some nonkinetohore microtubules interact with those from the opposite pole of the spindle. Metaphase is the third phase where the chromosomes are lined up on the invisible line of the metaphase plate. Anaphase is the fourth phase where the two daughter chromosomes begin to separate from each other to opposite poles. Telophase is the last phase where the two daughter nuclei form creating two identical nuclei.
seeds can be disperse by rodent and birds, on mud adhering to boot, on vehicle and machinery, and by flood water. It is also spread by an explosive mechanisms( on local level) when the capsule dries up and splits