Things would be a lot different. Children would be identical to their parents. Mitosis copies a cell and its DNA so the child's DNA would be identical to the parents and they would look exactly alike. It would be like a lot of twins walking around. That is assuming there are no mutations in the mitosis process. I feel like there would be a lot of pitfalls in a population of humans if mitosis were the primary method of reproduction. Everyone will be like a copy of someone else and there will be no room for differences. This would cause a lot of problems with the population because it would be so much different than it is now. Everyone would asexually reproduce and there would be less sexual reproduction. This would probably lead to many problems that I can't even think of.
Sorry I can't explain it better because i'm only in 8'th grade.
Crab shells are a water based carbon cycle becuase they have built in reservoirs added to their exoskeleton they add to the. Two-way carbon exchange so Be
The penis is introduced in a vagina of a female then they start movíng to feel pleasure so the penis throws a Liquid called semen it’s what contains ezpermatozoids that’s what it needs to make a baby
Block mountains form along fault blocks. Tension in a fault block can cause horsts in the fault block to tip. The horst edges point upward, forming a range of exposed mountains.