Article 5 describes what must be done to amend the Constitution, because the Constitution isn't set in stone
Answer: The Mesopotamians believed that these pyramid temples connected heaven and earth. In fact, the ziggurat at Babylon was known as Etemenankia or "House of the Platform between Heaven and Earth". An example of an extensive and massive ziggurat is the Marduk ziggurat, of Etemenanki, of ancient Babylon.
This would mean it is looking back to events or evidence that has already occurred rather than looking ahead for evidence to support a theory.
This is called cluster sampling procedure.
In this type of procedure, a group of elements is considered instead of individual units. This proceddure is usually based on geography, and it's useful due to its efficiency regarding cost and time.
There are a few disadvantages, though: it might not be diverse enough to be significant, and it's possible that some elements of other groups (in this case, other districts) share some features.