-identify the symptoms that people develop due to the strain
-work on an effective vaccine to help prevent the spread of the virus
In my words: A patern or guide to use to achieve a specific design, shape, or form.
From googIe: a shaped piece of metal, wood, card, plastic, or other material used as a pattern for processes such as painting, cutting out, shaping, or drilling.
Answer: c) from an area with a high concentration of water to one of lower concentration
Microscopically, we can interpret osmosis as the passage of water through holes in the membrane. These holes are small enough to allow water to pass through, but not to the ions that carry a layer of hydration, that is, a layer of water molecules around them. Water flows through the membrane in both directions. However, the occurrence of osmosis indicates that the flow is more intense in the direction of the less concentrated medium to the more concentrated. Thus, there is an effective flow of water in one of the senses, called osmosis, from an area with a high concentration of water to one of lower concentration.
tThe answer is Nucleotides