A president can only seve 2 terms because at on point they will grow old and they can get bored of the job and people might not like the President so then they can vote again and not have the same President.
Hope this helps!
Middle class youth do not become the same as lower class youth because there in different situations and different home environments!
federal system maintains close relationship between the government and the people because Federalism can eliminate the problems of the system, and in a federal system power is shared between the central government and state government. Similarly, people have the rights to choose the state and central government and they can vote for their candidates to run the governance.
US Constitution provides for a federal government superior to state governments in regard to enumerated powers. Federal law trumps any state law in explicit conflict. State law subservient to federal law in case of explicit conflict. If state law affords more rights to residents, the state law is presumed to prevail.