charles darwin proposed thoery of natural selection.he had collected imnumerable specimens of plant and animals.he published concept survival of fittest. while explaining he says that There is always competition for food.only those organism survive which shows adptations in various reasons. it thoery of natural selection.
There are some objections,
1. natural selection is not only factor responsible for evolution.
2. darwin did not mention uesful and useless modifications.
3. There is no explanation about slow and abrupt changes
Mutation is random because there is really no way of knowing whether a child will inherit it, whereas natural selection is predisposed in either parent.
one! i wish you good luck on your test/assignment <3
Well, when chromosomes cross over during prophase 1 of meiosis, the homologous pair of chromosomes exchange segments of DNA which happen to be the genes. So the significance of crossing-over during prophase 1 is that it adds genetic variation to sexually reproducing organisms.
Properties for ALL MATTER
Cells can be found in ANYTHING, cells preform life functions for the organism, although you wont find cells in a rock, you will however, find properties in anything you come across, therefore properties is the right answer