Changes in gene expression
This phenomenon is the result of changes in gene expression. That means, how the information in the DNA is used by the cell. The genes that are active in the cells of the brain will be very different from the genes that are active in the cells of the bone marrow.
These patterns of gene expression are different for each cell, and dictate the identity of that cell. Gene expression patterns are controlled by a variety of factors in the cell that allow tissue-specific expression, such a transcription factors.
This can also be facilitated by another layer of regulation called epigenetics, which literally means "on top of" genetics, and refers to modifications of DNA (and the proteins around it), that can reflect and influence the activity of the genes within.
<u>Cellular respiration</u> is the process by which cells in plants and animals break down sugar and turn it into energy, which is then used to perform work at the cellular level.
Explanation: In simpler words, it provides energy for the cell to do basic needs.
All water that are present in soil is not available for the plants. Gravitation water is present in soil due to the gravitational force. The gravitation water remains for short time and cannot be consumed by the plants.
The capillary water is available to the plants and this water is attained in the soil pores. The total water present in soil sample is 100 ml. 62ml is gravitation water. The volume of capillary water = total water - gravitation water = 100 - 62 = 38ml.
Thus, the answer is 38ml.
Underwater living faces many of the same life support challenges as living in space. ... But in the future, underwater habitats might provide their own oxygen with artificial gill technology to extract dissolved air from the sea water
Since humans do not have gills, we cannot extract oxygen from water. Some marine mammals, like whales and dolphins, do live in water, but they don't breathe it. They have developed a mechanism to hold their breath for long periods of time underwater.
To put these depths into perspective, three American football fields laid end to end would measure 900 feet (274.32 m) long — less than the distance these divers reached underwater. Most recreational scuba divers only dive as deep as 130 feet (40 meters), according to the Professional Association of Diving Instructors.
Eukaryotic cells have the nucleus enclosed within the nuclear membrane.
The cell has mitochondria.
Flagella and cilia are the locomotory organs in a eukaryotic cell.
A cell wall is the outermost layer of the eukaryotic cells.
The cells divide by a process called mitosis.