The cheaper option is Best Buy where the TV would close $455 compared to Micro Center which out be $480.
9514 1404 393
This is a self-answering question: you solve it by graphing the equations.
<em>The solution is where the lines intersect</em>. The point of intersection of the lines is the point that satisfies all the equations for the lines, hence is a solution to the system. If they do not intersect, there are no solutions. If the lines are coincident, there are an infinite number of solutions.
The equations can be graphed by any of a number of methods. (My favorite is to let a graphing calculator do it.) The method of choice depends on the coefficients and the form the equations are given in. Methods of graphing are a topic for a more lengthy discussion.
The one you have selected is the right answer 126 times pi
Step-by-step explanation:
Exact answer - 395.840674
Finding Volume of Prisms Using Unit Cubes
These cubes make up a rectangular prism. The cubes represent the volume of the prism. This prism is five cubes by two cubes by one cube. In other words, it is five cubes long, by two cubes high by one cube wide.
Step-by-step explanation:
hope this helps
A = (-7,6)
B = (2,4)
C = (-6,0)
Step-by-step explanation:
A = (-9 + 2, 2 + 4)
B = (0 + 4, 0 + 4)
C = (-8 + 2, -4 + 4)