Before the operation, every patient should have an appropriate bowel preparation. They are recommended to eat lightly for 3 to 5 days before the operation. During this span of time, the amount of fiber should be lessen. Drinking plenty of fluids is to be done up to the day of operation. All products with aspirin should not be taken. After the operation, clients are to be admitted for about 3-5 days. After released, no lifting or straining should be allowed and they can only go back to work after 2 weeks.
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Scar tissue can get hurt only in th elungs smoking does not affect scar tissue in you eyes but it hurts your lungs and just really tbh think of it as lung cancer from smoking so it hurts the lungs
Science and technology is co-related with health, population and environment. They are the significant means of development process. It's making the human life more comfortable and productive invention of various technology has made the treatment of health easy and reliable.