To lose its function
Denaturation of macromolecules such as proteinc or nucleic acid, means that they lose their quaternary structure, tertiary structure, and secondary structure under the influence of a certain factor. The factors that can lead to denaturation are external stress, strong acid or base, a concentrated inorganic salt, radiation or heat. The consequence of denaturation is loss of biological activity for example, loss of the catalytic ability of an enzyme.
The axons of the olfactory sensory neurons project to the olfactory bulb in the brain. This part is found in the forbrain and is responsible for the sense of smell. Inside this bulb are spheres of tissue that are called glomeruli. They are from the ends of branching axons.
A phenotype is D) What you physically see or are.
EXAMPLE: You have brown eyes . . . That's your phenotype.
they are formed by layers of dead cells and is produced by the formation of multiple layers of suberized periderm, cortical and phloem tissue.
They carry 50%of genetic information