Coevolution refers to the process where two or more species modify each other's evolution via natural selection. Darwin mentioned how insects and flowering plants could coevolve by reciprocal evolutionary modifications. Coevolution has firstly been associated with mutualism between species including, for example, birds and flowering plants. However, coevolution may also involve host-parasite relationships, such as associations involving parasitic organisms and their sexually reproducing hosts. Finally, there are situations where coevolution involves both parasitism and mutualism (i.e., antagonistic coevolution).
Protozoans, bacteria, fungi... viruses are not organisms
1. Atmosphere and ecosystem
2. Carbon/CO2 is absorbed by the plants and then released as oxygen.
3. Carbon is used in the cellular respiration process to make ATP.
4. Decomposers break down dead material and release CO2 in that process into the atmosphere for plants to use that carbon for photosynthesis again.
[B] A middle ear infection.
An example of an acute disease is a middle ear infection. Acute diseases include broken bones, viruses like the flu and rotavirus, and infections like pink eye and urinary tract infections. Sometimes acute diseases can be severe and require emergency medical attention.