The answer is pilus. This structure joins two bacteria of same species and allow exchange of genetic material in a process called horizontal gene transfer (conjugation). The plasmid of one of the bacteria (the mobile plasmid) is nicked once and the strand moves through the pillus to the other bacteria. It combines with the other plasmid or chromosome to for recombinant dna.
There are so many examples for that in different areas, like biology experiment carried out in our lab recently.
Here's one link:
The disease caused by a uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body!
Have a nice day!
Most viruses either have RNA or DNA as their genetic material.
Have a good day everyone :)
Sickle cell disease is a hereditary disease seen most often among people of African ancestry. Caused by mutations in one of the genes that encode the hemoglobin protein, the disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.