Well for the first one, after Mercury the second next is Earth, likewise after Mars the second next is Saturn. Length is to metre as volume is to litre. Attract is to repel as agree is to disagree. For the next one, you would need to fill in 1/2 of the square vertically, like in the picture beside it. Bee is to swarm as wolf is to pack. Lunar is to moon as solar is to sun. For the last one, you would need to fill in the first quadrant and the quadrant right below it, and place the square to the left, as in the picture right beside it.
<span>Index cards are very beneficial in summarising the key points and can easily be rearranged in the content of the essay.
They are also useful to find the most logical grouping and order of points.Once the order is chosen, simply number the cards can fix the order of the essay plan
It is very convenient to take notes on index cards because it gives you the flexibility the order of your notes and group them together easily.
It is also a great way to organize research, with group and color-code your can create an outline easily by adding supporting information.</span>
what am I supposed answer