I got one called the voyager
The twin Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft are exploring where nothing from Earth has flown before. Continuing on their more-than-40-year journey since their 1977 launches, they each are much farther away from Earth and the sun than Pluto. In August 2012, Voyager 1 made the historic entry into interstellar space, the region between stars, filled with material ejected by the death of nearby stars millions of years ago. Voyager 2 entered interstellar space on November 5, 2018 and scientists hope to learn more about this region. Both spacecraft are still sending scientific information about their surroundings through the Deep Space Network, or DSN.
The primary mission was the exploration of Jupiter and Saturn. After making a string of discoveries there — such as active volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io and intricacies of Saturn's rings — the mission was extended. Voyager 2 went on to explore Uranus and Neptune, and is still the only spacecraft to have visited those outer planets. The adventurers' current mission, the Voyager Interstellar Mission (VIM), will explore the outermost edge of the Sun's domain. And beyond.
The sound of mb in the word- thu'mb'nail.
The theme of good people coping with bad circumstances
<u>The theme of bad people prevailing over good people</u> – this is not the right answer. Dickens’ novels do have the endings when good people end happily.
<u>The theme of rigid adherence to social norms and patterns </u>– this is not the correct answer. Some of Dickens's characters went extremely against the norms of society.
<u>The theme of societal improvement through charitable works </u>– this is not the right answer. Dickens's work did not deal much with the subject of charitable work.
<u>The theme of good people coping with bad circumstances – this is the correct answer. Many of Dickens’ works dealt with good people who found themselves in unfortunate circumstances and had to fight hard for a better life.</u> <em>David Copperfield</em> follows the life of a man from childhood, as he goes through ups and downs when both of his parents die, and he is sent to a strict boarding school. In <em>Great Expectations</em>, both protagonist, Pip, and his love, Estella, live in the lamentable circumstances and have to fight through life. In the novel <em>Oliver Twist</em>, the protagonist of the same name is also an orphan who lives difficult life and meets people who use him; other characters in the novel, for example, Nancy, are described as nice people who had hard life shaped by bad experiences.
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Syntax is a form of grammar. It is concerned primarily with word order in a sentence and with the agreement of words when they are used together. So it is, in a sense, acting as a kind of 'police officer' for the way in which sentences are constructed
a connected or orderly system : harmonious arrangement of parts or elements the syntax of classical architecture. 3 : syntactics especially as dealing with the formal properties of languages or calculi.
a connected or orderly system : harmonious arrangement of parts or elements the syntax of classical architecture. 3 : syntactics especially as dealing with the formal properties of languages or calculi.
First, the rooster crowed at dawn to wake up Juan.
Next, Juan dug up clay to make the pot.
Then, Juan rubbed the pot with a piece of bone.
After that, Jaun painted the pot with a brush made from his hair.
Finally, Jaun baked the pot in an oven fueled with cow manure.