To find a mineral deposit, geologists study the geology of a lot of places. They then go to a spot where that type of mineral deposit could be found. They test the properties of the soil and rocks. They look at the chemistry and the physical properties.
An endangered species is a type of species in which this type of organism has decreasing numbers and are dangerously close to going extinct. Invasive species are species in which an organism invades an environment where it is not native to, and take over the ecosystem. Local species are species in which the organism is native to that environment and plays a key role in that ecosystem. A keystone species is a species in which the organism is a key part of that ecosystem to thrive; without it, the ecosystem would collapse
Answer: It to activate
Explanation:Mount St. Helens, Washington, is the most active volcano in the Cascade Range. Its most recent series of eruptions began in 1980 when a large landslide and powerful explosive eruption created a large crater, and ended 6 years later after more than a dozen extrusions of lava built a dome in the crater.
Cut open the plasmid and "paste" in the gene. This process relies on restriction enzymes (which cut DNA) and DNA ligase (which joins DNA).
Insert the plasmid into bacteria. Use antibiotic selection to identify the bacteria that took up the plasmid.
Grow up lots of plasmid-carrying bacteria and use them as "factories" to make the protein. Harvest the protein from the bacteria and purify it.
the boy is in Kinetic energy
Because when he swings he isn't experiencing any forces towards him only the swing experiences potential energy