The Industrial Revolution substantially increased the material wealth of world. It ended the dominance of the agricultural industry. The factory owners, especially the textile mill owners had the most economic power during the early Industrial Age. The textile industry became the biggest industry and employed the most labourers during the early years of the Industrial Revolution. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, merchants held the economic power. They would supply the raw materials to manufacture cloth and pick up the finished products. Women would weave this cloth at home using hand-powered looms.
The answer to this question is the term cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is an act that
a person is being bullied through the use of electronic technology by sending messages that are intimidating by the means of text messages, social media websites, or through chat. Cyberbullying can be by sending rumors or embarrasing pictures that are sent and spread through websites.
<span>Some of these trade routes had been in use for centuries, but by the beginning of the first century A.D., merchants, diplomats, and travelers could (in theory) cross the ancient world from Britain and Spain in the west to China and Japan in the east</span>
The change in Denita's opinion demonstrates the <u>matching </u>hypothesis.
Answer: Option A
Matching hypothesis is a type of hypothesis which says and tells how a person gets attracted to another person. People will succeed in a relation ship and would be more committed to a person in a relation ship who is equally desirable in the society as the other person in that relation.
The couples who are different from the others on the physical ground might be together with each other because of some other similarities which compensate for the differences that they have between each other.
<span>The reliability procedure that involves correlation of partial scores from one administration of one test is: Split half
Partial scores measure the degree of association between two variable. Since it came from two different variables, the reliability of this procedure is also split into two.</span>