The early observers meant that La belle indifférence refers to the apparent lack of interest that some patients show in their symptoms. It is often seen as typical of conversion symptoms/hysteria.
The term "La belle indifférence" is a French term that can be translated as "beautiful ignorance." Beautiful apathy is defined as the absence of psychological stress paradoxically despite the presence of symptoms related to a serious medical illness or health condition. This condition is the most common for
Conversion disorder (also called functional nervous system disorder) is a condition in which a person is experiencing physical and sensory problems such as paralysis, hearing loss, blindness, hearing loss, and seizures, and is the underlying neurology. There is no specific pathology.
Learn about conversion disorder
Development of permanent settlements, they were hunters and gatherers before which made them travel often
Discrimination refers to purposely creating an unfair treatments or negative outcome for a certain individual solely because of that person's race. (example: not hiring you because you are minorities)
Differentiation on the other hand creating an unfair treatment but because we really need it (for example, not hiring someone who is hispanic because we need someone who could help mediate the company in chinese market)
<span>Negative punishment is being applied in this situation. The removal of items that Richard enjoys, is the result of missing curfew. When his parents take away his desired activities and items, then he is receiving a consequence, that being a form of negative punishment.</span>