The answer is Forests and Oceans. Both of them occupy most of Earth's surface, Reflects the least amount of sun, and absorbs a lot of the sun's energy due to photosynthesis and photosynthetic organisms.
They are <span>multicellular . </span>
The universal genetic code known as DNA, found in all living organisms, is firm indication of a common design of all life. The actual number of first organisms is not known, making the prospect of common origin not only singular, as God, the creator of life, initially created the first life to bioform the Earth, changing the surface, the seas, and the atmosphere to prepare the environment for the progression of more complex life that would follow.
DNA is the most complex information system in the universe, firmly establishing the existence of God, the creator, as no naturalistic process could ever create life.
The present system of binomial nomenclature<span> identifies each species by a scientific name of </span>two<span> words, Latin in form and usually derived from Greek or Latin roots. The first name (capitalized) is the genus of the organism, the second (not capitalized) is its species.</span>
They are Y shaped proteins that work kind of like a laser on a gun in a sense
They latch on to intruders and serve as signals to the immune system to attack the bacteria they have launched on to. After the Bacteria has been destroyed they also stay around and remember what that bacteria looked like so your body can try and stop that type of bacteria sooner and more effectively.