agreemenand collaborating
Answer: According to Marx, the <u>bourgeoisie</u> owns the means of production in a society.
Explanation: Karl Marx, a famous German philosopher and sociologist, claimed tha<u>t the bourgeoisie, also known as the capitalist class, owns the means of production and controls them</u>. By means of this statement, <u>Marx intended to show that the bourgeoisie is too powerful, while the proletariat, which sells its labour-power, is too weak.</u> One of the books in which Marx includes these concepts is<em> Das Kapital, </em>published in 1867.
Settlers were attracted by the abundance of fertile land that South Carolina promised in return for colonization. Before 1680, half of the Carolina settlers came from Barbados, Which was an English colony in the Caribbean.
i think
The Bering Land Bridge.
Alaska and Asia are separate now, but during the ice age, the situation was not the same. Approximately 20,000 years ago, large areas of the continental shelf were exposed, and sea levels dropped because the water was locked up in glacial ice. Thus forming the Bering Strait land bridge that connected Asia and Europe to North America. Early humans may have migrated across this land bridge. Humans began to migrate across the bridge about 12,000 Years ago, and it is believed that they were following migrating mammals. The landmass was approximately 2,000 kilometers wide across the Bering Strait and connected Siberia, and Alaska much of what is known about this land bridge comes from bio-geographical evidence showing connections between species on Asia and North America.
What if it’s already night... screw it I’ll answer anyway because I don’t have a life. The North American mainland was a relatively minor destination in the global slave-trading network. Less than 4% of all African slaves were sent to North America. The vast majority of enslaved people ended up in sugar-producing regions of Brazil and the West Indies.